Jul 29, 2012

More Art from Featured Artist Joyce Yarbrough

Her talents have been displayed at fine art shows, museums, historic venues, and many special events.  Well known for her skill with scissors, Joyce has also won many awards for her pastel, handmade paper, pen & ink, and watercolor art.  As a volunteer literacy tutuor, she even incorporated art into teaching reading and writing to children.

Colorado Morning by Joyce Yarbrough

Cathedral Basilica by Joyce Yarbrough

 Riverfront by Joyce Yarbrough

Generational Connection by Joyce Yarbrough

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

Jul 23, 2012

Guests enjoying the new artwork at the reception for "Silhouettes Tell Stories"

It's not too late to come in to see the current show featuring the beautiful work of Gateway Gallery Artist Joyce Yarbrough, and guest artists Don Webb, Greg Kluempers, Linda Wilmes and Paul Bayer. "Silhouettes Tell Stories" runs through August 17, 2012.

Photographs by Gateway Gallery Artist Jerry Schmutz

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

Jul 19, 2012

Gateway Gallery Opening Reception for "Silhouettes Tell Stories", July 20, 6-9PM

Gatteway Logo


Come share an evening of art and refreshments with the artists and guests of our gallery at the reception next Friday evening, July 20, from 6 to 9PM. 

Please join us and visit with our guest artists Don Webb, Linda Wilmes and Greg Kluempers and hear the stories behind their exciting new works on display during our Silhouettes Tell Stories exhibit.  

Don Webb
Webb Leatherneck

Webb Freedom to Soar
Freedom to Soar
Webb Seeno evil-hear no evil-speak no evil
See no evil-hear no evil-speak no evil

Linda Wilmes
Wilmes Old Rusty
Old Rusty

Wilmes Fishing Boat
Fishing Boat

Wilmes Good Opera House
Good Opera House

 Greg Kluempers

Kluempers Pont Vieux Albi France
Pont Vieux-Albi, France

Kluempers Reflection at Acadia Nat Park
Reflection at Acadia National Park


Gateway Gallery is an artist-owned art gallery representing 16 regional artists featuring permanent and rotating exhibits reflecting a variety of artistic styles and mediums.  Whether your interest is classic or contemporary realism, regional plein aire, abstract art or impressionism, we have something that will delight your artistic senses.  Our artwork changes often.  Come by and see what's new.
Gallery Map

Gateway Gallery
21 North Bemiston
Clayton, Missouri 63105

Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 11-6, Sunday 10-5
Closed Monday and Tuesday 

Would you like to learn more about Gateway Gallery artists?
Visit our blog: www.gatewaygallery.blogspot.com
Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Gateway-Gallery
Our next reception will be Friday, September 7, 2012, from 6 - 9PM

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback. 

Jul 15, 2012

Greg Kluempers, New Guest Artist at Gateway Gallery July 5 - August 17

Photograph by Greg Kluempers

Photograph by Greg Kluempers

My work explores the relationship of forms, textures and color in the everyday world. Many of my images are extractions from an old building, a distorted reflection, an architectural detail and the juxtaposition of adjoining buildings. I use these to create abstract geometrical images. I also have always been interested in landscapes. Besides understanding composition, a big part of capturing landscapes is being in the right place at the right time.
- Greg Kluempers

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

Jul 13, 2012

Don Webb, New Guest Artist at Gateway Gallery July 5 - August 17

Rhino, Oil Painting by Don Webb

Oil Painting by Don Webb

The passion and love for art dates back to my early childhood. Though my efforts focused on art in high school and college, I was encouraged to pursue an engineering degree. Eventually, I began to work toward making art my full time profession, producing a greater quality of realism. The most important quality of oil is its transparency. The old masters added thin layers of transparent color to get the illusion of depth . I work in this wonderful, though time consuming manner, which is rarely used in today’s market. Thank you for visiting this web site.

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

Jul 11, 2012

Linda Wilmes, New Guest Artist at Gateway Gallery July 5 - August 17

Sidewalk Artist, Pastel by Linda Wilmes

Purple Passion, Watercolor by Linda Wilmes

Being a self taught and long time artist, I have painted and learned from all mediums, and continue to work primarily in watercolor and pastel.  I use pastels primarily in my Plein Air painting, and watercolor, being so very compelling, pulls and draws in with  it's  passionate and surprising characteristics.  

Being a member of several art organizations, I will be teaching classes in drawing and painting this fall, at the St. Peters Arts Centre and in my home based studio, in Wentzville, Mo. 

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

Jul 7, 2012

GATEWAY GALLERY IN CLAYTON PRESENTS “Silhouettes Tell Stories”, July 4 – August 17


Contact Vic Mastis
Gateway Gallery

High Res photos available upon request

WHAT: “Silhouettes Tell Stories” by Joyce Yarbrough     
WHERE: Gateway Gallery, 21 N. Bemiston Ave, Clayton, MO.
WHEN: July 4 through August 17, 2012, Opening Reception 6 – 9 p.m. July 20
MORE INFO: www.gatewaygalleryonline.com, 314-402-1959

 “Silhouettes Tell Stories”, July 5 – August 17, 2012
Opening reception held for the artist 6-9 p.m. July 20
(Clayton, MO/April 13) Gateway Gallery “Silhouettes Tell Stories” exhibit is about the simple but elegant shapes Joyce Yarbrough cuts with her scissors.  In addition, guest artists Linda Wilmes’ paintings and Greg Kluempers’ photography will be on display. This show runs July 5 through Aug 17 with an opening reception from 6 to 9 pm on Friday, July 20 at 21 North Bemiston Ave, Clayton.
            Yarbrough’s contour “drawings” emulate shadows to convey the mystery or mood by their basic mass.  Naked silhouettes capture the essence of elegant simplicity to tell a story, often without color or detail, whether the art is a feature cut with fine detail, a child’s profile, or a botanically correct silhouette.  A few of the places her work has been shown and collected include the St. Louis Art Museum, museums in China, Pennsylvania and Germany.

After graduation from Missouri University, Yarbrough worked at Hallmark Cards as she continued her studies at Kansas City Art Institute. Traveling to China and Poland has expanded Joyce's view of the world and the heritage of other countries. Throughout her career she has worked in the arts - as a graphic artist, illustrator, art director, marketing coordinator and gallery owner.

Along with her murals, Linda Wilmes is an accomplished Plein Air painter, participating in many of the onsite Plein Air competitions. Her paintings display vivid color, sparkling sunlight and mysterious shadow.  Greg Kluempers’ photography explores the relationship of forms, textures and colors of the everyday world, sometimes creating abstract geometrical images.

Established in 2004, Gateway Gallery is a co-op art gallery exhibiting 16 regional, award-winning artists whose work range from traditional landscape to contemporary abstraction. Ranging media include oil, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, photography, ceramics, and woodworking. Exhibits typically run every six weeks, featuring one of the gallery’s 16 artists as well as three visiting artists. Located in downtown Clayton, Mo., the gallery is within walking distance to other galleries and many of St. Louis’ finest restaurants and cafés, making it a “must-stop” destination for art lovers, art collectors and designers.
Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Visit www.GatewayGalleryOnline.com for more information.

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Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.