Jul 13, 2012

Don Webb, New Guest Artist at Gateway Gallery July 5 - August 17

Rhino, Oil Painting by Don Webb

Oil Painting by Don Webb

The passion and love for art dates back to my early childhood. Though my efforts focused on art in high school and college, I was encouraged to pursue an engineering degree. Eventually, I began to work toward making art my full time profession, producing a greater quality of realism. The most important quality of oil is its transparency. The old masters added thin layers of transparent color to get the illusion of depth . I work in this wonderful, though time consuming manner, which is rarely used in today’s market. Thank you for visiting this web site.

Blog post by Gateway Gallery Artist Daniel Fishback.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

I saw Don's work in the gallery for the first time on Friday when I manned the desk there. His work is stunning; eye catching.